Bus Service Update

Bus Back Better is a national programme to boost the number of people travelling by bus. The plan is to rejuvenate the local bus market and make the service better in all regards.

The programme fits in with the government’s climate emergency, levelling-up, and rural connectivity agendas.

Central government is offering £3bn across England (outside London) to help counties reintroduce bus services. They are looking for ambitious, but realistic, ideas and plans.

What it means for those Somerset parishes who have long complained that their local bus service is unfit for purpose, is that at last there is an opportunity to get a change for the better. For villages that don’t currently have a service, there may be a chance to get one.

In October 2021, Somerset County Council (SCC) published their Bus Service Improvement Plan for Somerset (the Somerset BSIP).

By March 2022, the detailed mechanics of the new bus services have to be established and bids for support have to be submitted by SCC.

In the meantime, one of our residents kindly attended a recent meeting on Bus Services.

Here are the notes of the meeting: Bus Back Better Notes 3.11.21


Here are some other documents:

Bus Service Principles

Sept 16 & 18 2021 SBP presentation

BUS Presentation – Sept 2021



Update Letter Feb 2022

Bus Update – Feb 2022


You can also view our website: https://www.somersetbuspartnership.co.uk/  or join our social media channels:

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Somerset-Bus-Partnership-105704811629827

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SomersetCTBC

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SomersetBusPart

Kind regards

Somerset Bus Partnership