Date(s) - 14/12/2018
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm
St. Nicholas Church
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Christmas will be with us very soon and we’re planning Stars for Christmas, it’s been a great success
over the past 2 years,we’ve been thrilled to see so many families enjoying themselves.
As usual we’re planning to have a Christmas tree lit up and sited outside the church.
Apart from bringing pleasure to everyone who passes we are trying to raise money for the church by asking for a
contribution of £5. This will buy you a glass of mulled wine and mince pie at the ‘switch on ‘ and a simple
decoration for the tree on which you may write a Xmas message, perhaps to remember
The ‘switch on’ will be at 6.30pm Friday December 14th outside St Nicholas Church.
Corfe’s Christmas Supper has now been cancelled, but why not pop along to the pub after.
We would like a child from Corfe to switch on the lights, if you would like your child’s name to be entered into the draw or would like to take part then please print this form and deliver it Gaynor Lewis, BelleVue, Newton Lane, or phone her on 421277, or email: .