Village Hall

This spacious building, with a modern kitchen, is adjacent to Queen’s Acre

The outdoor children’s play area contains a good selection of playground pieces for young ones under 12

The Hall is owned by Corfe Parish Council and is an independent charitable trust whose trustees are all village residents.

Volunteers from within the village work hard to keep this venue in excellent order but more help would always be welcome. It is well utilised by various village clubs and associations but also has many users from outside the village.

It is suitable for concerts, wedding receptions, children’s parties, bridge drives, and many other types of social gatherings

Corfe Village Hall is situated in Newton Lane opposite the Church and War Memorial just off the B3170.

In response to COVID-19, the hall has had an automatic wall mounted gel dispenser fitted in the entrance hallway and extra soap dispensers provided in the toilets and kitchen. Antibacterial spray and wipes are also provided to clean any surfaces which are to be used.

VH Factsheet – Feb 2024